Our Grand Parade begins at 12PM. We ask those participating to be in their assigned line-up positions by 11:30am to avoid congestion. Deadline for entry is May 8th. We will e-mail lineup information by May 11th.

Entries are assigned numbers by the order they are received. Syttende Mai does not pay any sponsorships.

The entries will NOT be judged.

Fill out form online or download Parade_Entry.pdf and return to:

Syttende Mai Parade

107 5th Ave NW
Spring Grove MN, 55974

Call Molly @ (651) 564-1042 or E-mail sgmnsyttendemai@gmail.com

*By hitting submit you agree to our Parade Agreement

If you haven't been contact within 48 hours, please Call Molly @ (651) 564-1042 or E-mail sgmnsyttendemai@gmail.com