Wednesday, May 14th, 2025
4PM - 7PM - MUSIC & MARKET - City Park - Food served by the Syttende Mai Committee
7PM - QUEEN CORONATION & HONOREE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - City Park Gazebo * Rain Location - Fest Building
Thursday, May 15th, 2025
Friday, May 16th, 2025
ALL DAY - City Wide Garage Sales
ALL DAY - Norwegian Ridge Birding & Nature Trail
11AM - 2PM - Merchants Bank Community Appreciation Lunch
10AM - 4PM - Visitor Center - Spring Grove Chamber of Commerce Building
11AM - 10PM - Legion Brat Stand
12PM - 5PM - PIECE MAKERS QUILT GUILD QUILT SHOW - Trinity Center, Free Admission
1:15PM - Barnetoget (Children's Parade) MORE INFO HERE!
7PM - 10PM - TEEN BAGS TOURNAMENT - Fest Building NEW!
Saturday, May 17th, 2025
ALL DAY - City Wide Garage Sales
ALL DAY - Norwegian Ridge Birding & Nature Trail
7:30AM - 10:30AM - DAD'S WAFFLE BREAKFAST- Fest Building - $10, age 5 & under free - Spring Grove Lions Club
9AM - 11AM - NORWEIGAN BAKE SALE by Valheim Lodge Sons of Norway - Giants of the Earth Heritage Center
10AM - KIDS PEDAL PULL - Fest Building - Registration at 9:15AM, Pulling starts at 10AM
10AM - 4PM - Visitor Center - Spring Grove Chamber of Commerce Building *closed during parade
10AM - 4PM - Market Vendors
10AM - 4PM - PARK ACTIVITIES ($ indicates this event has a participation fee)
- Inflatables
- Yard Games
- Nerf War – Trinity Church Yard
- Petting Zoo
- Balloons by Kevin
- Tappy’s Face Painting - $
- Souvenir Shirt and Button Shop - Syttende Mai Hus (Log Cabin)
- Axe Throwing - NEW
- Caricatures by FunkyToonz - $
10AM - 5PM - PIECE MAKERS QUILT GUILD QUILT SHOW - Trinity Center, Free Admission
10AM-10PM - Legion Brat Stand (closed during the parade)
10:30AM - NORDIC DANCERS - Viking Memorial Park - Watch for them in the Grand Parade!
11AM - 2PM - PORK BURGERS by THE ATHLETIC BOOSTERS - In front of the Lion's Pub
1PM - 4PM - PARK ACTIVITIES ($ indicates this event has a participation fee)
- Corn Pile *Sponsored by Merchants Bank
- Laser Tag - Trinity Church Yard
- Hyper Space Gaming Trailer
- Kaptain Kirby Train - Trinity Church Yard
1PM- SOAP BOX RACES - South Division Ave. Cost is $3.00 per run and helmets are provided. All ages welcome!
1PM- CORN HOLE (after parade) - North Division Ave. - Check in at 1:00pm - Bags Fly at 1:30 pm - $20 per person/$40 per team - No Pre-Registration & payouts based on number of registered teams.
1:30PM- 4PM - Chair Volleyball - Legion Front Hall - Age: 50+, Cost: $1/person - Preregister during Senior Dining Hours 10:30AM - 12PM M-F
2PM-4PM - Mike McAbee - City Park Gazebo
4PM - 3 on 3 COED Basketball Tournament $ NEW 7-12 grade $20.00 a team - Pre-Registration required
Sunday, May 18th, 2025
ALL DAY - Norwegian Ridge Birding & Nature Trail
10AM - 2PM - PIECE MAKERS QUILT GUILD QUILT SHOW - Trinity Center, Free Admission
11AM - 2PM - Visitor Center - Spring Grove Chamber of Commerce Building
10:30AM - UNTIL GONE - MEATBALL DINNER - Trinity Lutheran Church *DINE IN & DRIVE THRU!