Syttende Mai Royalty
Create friendships that will last a lifetime and memories that will have you reminiscing for years. This experience comes with a scholarship (for our crowned juniors) as well as the perk of being the guest of honor for many local events! This is an amazing opportunity to meet new people and form friendships you otherwise may not have. It also serves for a great community service experience to add to any application or resume!
Represent your Community
Be an ambassador for Spring Grove! This opportunity creates fun memories and amazing experiences!
With only 7-8 parades and 6 community events, the time commitment is less than ever! We are extremely flexible with schedules, and only want everyone to have the best experience possible! Our parades are close to home, and the month of August is entirely free of any royalty related events! We do ask for prompt communication of any conflicts, but please know these conflicts are expected and will not be held against anyone.
Past Royalty & Honorees
This is a list of all previous years honorees and royalties! Check out the extensive list of awesome people who have been crowned in the past!
• King of the Trolls: Fred Onsgard • Grand Parade Marshals: Alan & Judy Roble • Business Person of the Year: Tara Espelien • Most Honored Lady: Jan Lee Buxengard • Honorary Norwegian: Len Liptack •
Tentative Schedule
This list includes the events you are expected to participate in. This list is subject to changes, but can be used as a guide for what to expect!